Maker’s Mark Rye Whisky. Photo definitely not courtesy of Maker’s Mark.

Maker’s Mark Announces Rye Bourbon, First New Mashbill Ever

April 2 Update—Thank you for joining The Bourbon Review and Tito Belvedere for April Fools' Day! We'll see you next year—if not sooner.  ******** Maker's Mark distillery, famous for their red winter wheated whiskey, announced this...
Very Wrinkled Van Winkle. Photo definitely not courtesy Buffalo Trace.

New Bourbon Awarded Best in World by Char Awards

April 2 Update—Thank you for joining The Bourbon Review and Tito Belvedere for April Fools' Day! We'll see you next year—if not sooner.  ******** A new, never-before-seen Van Winkle whiskey has been crowned uncontested champion bourbon...
Pappy Van Winkle 23-Year in new 50ml size. Photo definitely not courtesy of Buffalo Trace.

Van Winkle Only Bottling in 50ml Bottles in 2019

April 2 Update—Thank you for joining The Bourbon Review and Tito Belvedere for April Fools' Day! We'll see you next year—if not sooner.  ******** As a way to meet customer demand for limited supplies of product,...