Breed A Racehorse With The People’s Horse!

It’s no secret down here in the bluegrass that nothing pairs better with Bourbon than racehorses. As they say: If it grows together, it goes together. And even though Bourbons can cost a fortune, they hardly compare to owning a racehorse, an experience so incredible yet fantastically expensive that the sport has long belonged to kings and queens and far out of reach for most of us.

Until now.

Before this year’s Derby, we’re teaming up with our friends at Taylor Made Farm, one of the leading horse outfits here in Lexington, to join The People’s Horse, a new program they just launched that allows anyone the chance to own a piece of a horse (albeit a very small piece.) Even better, we have a chance to pick the mare or mama we’ll be breeding to—and if that isn’t exciting enough, our stallion will be none other than the great…the revolutionary….California Chrome!

Membership is open for a limited period, and along with having the once-in-a-lifetime chance to pick a mare and ultimately buy stakes in our foal, you can enjoy an exclusive Bourbon experience with us this fall, get invites to a members-only barbecue, and be part of his story.

Memberships start at $100, and if you join us you’ll get 15% off any plan. Just enter “BOURBONREVIEW” at checkout, and let’s make make history on this once-in-a-lifetime ride.